Monthly Archive: March 2023

All you need to know about MX record

The MX record is a fundamental component of the DNS (Domain Name System) that plays a crucial role in routing email messages between mail servers. In today’s article, we’ll take a deep dive into what MX records are, how they work, and why they’re important.

What is an MX Record?

An MX record (Mail Exchange record) is a type of DNS record that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting emails sent to a domain. MX records tell the sending server which mail server is responsible for handling the email for a particular domain, enabling the sender’s server to deliver the email to the correct address. These records are essential for a domain to be able to receive emails, as it helps to ensure that emails are delivered to the correct mail server. Having an MX record lets your domain easily connect with the correct mail server and ensures that all emails sent to it are correctly routed.

How to start managing MX records for your domain?

How does it work?

MX records work by assigning a priority value to each mail server listed in the record. The priority value determines the order in which mail servers should be contacted when delivering an email message. For example, if a domain has two MX records, the mail client will try to deliver the message to the server with the lowest priority value (highest preference) first. If that server is unavailable, it will move on to the next server on the list.

Why are MX Records important?

MX records are essential because they help ensure emails are delivered to the right destination. When an email is sent to a domain name, the sender’s mail server will look up the MX record associated with the domain name to determine which mail server should be used to deliver the email. If no MX record is associated with the domain name, the email will not be delivered. Without them, email delivery would be unreliable and unmanageable. 


MX records provide various benefits to help ensure emails are delivered correctly and efficiently. Some of the key advantages are the following:

Reduced Delivery Time: With an MX record, emails are routed directly to the correct server and mailbox instead of going through several hops. This reduces the amount of time it takes for the email to be delivered.

Increased Reliability: MX records provide a reliable way to ensure emails are delivered correctly, even if the sender’s server is down or has problems.

Improved Security: Having an MX record makes detecting and blocking malicious emails and spam easier.

Improved Performance: MX records allow email servers to route emails faster and more efficiently, resulting in improved performance.

Recommended article: Understanding The Basics Of Email Forwarding


In conclusion, MX records are an essential part of the DNS and are necessary for emails to be delivered correctly. They provide various benefits, such as reduced delivery time, increased reliability, improved security, and improved performance. Therefore, MX records are essential to ensure emails are delivered reliably and securely.

TTL (Time to Live): Meaning, Purpose & Usage

Understanding Time to Live (TTL) is essential for efficient and reliable internet data management. In this blog post, we will explore TTL’s meaning, purpose, and usage, including its history, benefits, and common misconceptions. Learn how TTL can improve your data transmission and get the most out of this essential networking protocol.

Definition & Overview of TTL

Time to Live is a concept that defines a certain number of seconds for a specific data packet to live on the internet. TTL is a timer associated with every DNS record, including website address and email address. This timer allows a limit to be set for how long the data packet will be available and accessible to any requestor. Time to Live provides for data to be updated more regularly than if it had to be manually updated. It provides an additional layer of control over which nodes on the internet can access the data that is hosted on a particular website. As the time value specified by the TTL reaches zero, the data stored by the website can be discarded. However, it is essential to note that the Time to Live enables data to be live on the internet and avoid having to be reached over and over.

History of TTL

Time to Live has been in use since the early days of the internet and has evolved. Initially, the TTL was only used in terms of name resolution, converting a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) into an IP address. Eventually, the concept of Time to Live became expanded to include all types of communication between nodes. This was to control better how long data was available and allow data to be discarded after the time value was reached. Over time, major revisions and optimizations to the TTL protocol have been released, allowing it to be used in more applications than just name resolution. The ability to discard data after a particular set time has allowed for more efficient and effective data management, making the internet a much more reliable network overall.

How TTL is used in TCP/IP and DNS Protocols

Time to Live is used to control various aspects of data transmission between nodes in a network. In particular, Time to Live can be used with the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol. In the case of TCP, TTL defines the ‘time-out’ period for any data transmissions from a node. This helps ensure that data is not lost or forgotten after a certain period of time. Regarding DNS, TTL controls how long the address data stored on a DNS server will remain valid. When an address change occurs, the TTL will tell the DNS server how often to update its records (like A record and MX record). 

Another important use of TTL can be found in email services. By controlling the TTL for messages, mail delivery systems can impose certain restrictions to where messages can go and how long they stay valid. This can prevent spam messages from being sent out indefinitely and allows for greater control over how emails travel across the internet. Overall, the use of Time to Live can make communication and data management within networks more efficient and reliable.

Considerations when Setting Time to Live

When specifying a TTL value, it is crucial to consider a few key points: 

  • Only short Time to live values can lead to nodes being able to access data as they cannot cache the packets. 
  • Excessively high TTL values may lead to data needing to be updated more quickly.
  • Set the TTL to an appropriate value for the data being sent. 
  • Monitor the impact of any changes to ensure it is not affecting overall performance in an undesired way.


Time to Live is a critical component of ensuring efficient and reliable data transmission and management on the internet. By understanding its purpose, history, and usage, you’ll be able to get the most out of the TTL protocol. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to make sure that data is up-to-date and accessible, as well as prevent problems associated with unchecked TTL settings.